Mercury Retrograde vs DJIA
Does the Mercury retrograde have an effect on the stock market? Multiple studies say "Yes".
Here are the studies
Space Weather vs DJIA
Space weather distrubances have a Bearish affect on the Stock Market.
Here are the daily results for first half of 2021
Trading The Weather
Yes, the weather does affect the Stock Market. Good Day Sunshine: Stock Returns and the Weather by David Hirshleifer and Tyler Shumway. 2001
Click Here
Lunar cycle effects in stock returns
Study by the University of Michigan Business School.
Click Here
Stock Commodities & Planetary Declination
Observations by W.D Gann, George Bayer, Larry Pesavento. How Mercury affects the price of Microsoft.
Click Here
Cycle Back-testing
Back-testing for: IWM, NDX, GC, MSFT, XOM, XLB using different stop levels.
Rediscovering WD Gann
Rediscovering W. D. Gann�s method of forecasting the financial markets
Gummy Financial Excel Workbooks |
Lots and lots of financial workbooks here. View
Solar Activity and Short Term Market Moves |
Playing the Field: Geomagnetic Storms and the Stock Market
-- by The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
View Study
Don't Make These Mistakes! |
Knowing what to buy and when is important, but this
is what causes most traders to lose.
and Common Stock Investment
Trading Behavior of Individual Investors
DJI behavor by day of the month |
The 4th, 6th, 10th, 14th and 18th are usually positive
The 7th and 20th are usually negative. Not enough data
for the 30th.

Free Sample of the OSS INDICATORS Newsletter |
How the market behaves when Mars Trine Jupiter |
OSS Buy/Sell Indicator as a market timing tool.
Published nightly for subscribers to the OPTION SIGNAL SERVICE and the OSS INDICATORS newsletter.
